Personal · Web App

Personal Website 2.0

My digital whiteboard


I've wanted to make my own custom website for a long time, but have felt that I lacked the UI and frontend skills to design one to the standard I feel represents the professionalism, quality, and attention to detail I put into my other work. A simple static site built with Hugo has been serving as a placeholder for a few years and has done a good job. My work on OurDataHelps and Trackside helped me grow, learn, and practice enough that I felt I could finally make a site I'd be proud of. It also gave me an excuse to try building a website with Gatsby.

The first version of my personal website

The first version of my personal website

Expanding upon the content I included in the first iteration of the website, I've

  • Added career highlights in a resume-like format

  • Detailed the personal and professional projects I've worked on thoughout my career

  • Created a blog where I can share my thoughts, experiences, and ideas

  • Captured the experience and credentials needed to represent myself as a professional high performance driver and instructor

  • Designed an adorable puppy logo using my initials

I hope you take a few minutes to look around and check out the site!